Urchin and the Raven War (Mistmantle Chronicles)

Mc Allister is unstoppable when it comes to animal fantasy books. I gotta say that it tops the ones that are famous that's for sure, as I enjoy thisseries way more. The style continues in the same direction, and unlike some/most authors I know she doesn't ruin the next book in the series by making it rushed, choppy or boring - it continues to have the same free-flowing format.
The characters are so easily lovable it can be at times even scary. The story, though it seems boring and only for girls who like animals, can be even read by guys who enjoy animal stories, so if you're a guy and thinking that you can't read/won't like this book, go off, find a copy and read it to see that you're so wrong.
I can now say that I'll love the next book also, and will buy it as soon as it comes out